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Data Science Certified
Professional (DSCP)



Data Science Certified Professional (DSCP)

You can learn Data Science by taking the "Certified Data Science" course. It is a high-level data science concept created with the goal of covering all elements of data science using fundamental principles. Data Science is one of the most popular fields in business today, with a growing number of job openings.


The data scientist's goal is to examine, sort, and analyze metadata from a variety of sources in order to capitalize on it and draw conclusions to improve business operations or provide decision support.


A bachelor's degree in statistics or machine learning is common among data scientists, but it is not required to learn data science. However, it is necessary to have a fundamental understanding of math and statistics principles such as linear algebra, calculus, probability, and so on in order to learn data science.

What is

What is a Data Scientist?

Big data wranglers, data scientists acquire and analyze enormous sets of organized and unstructured data. A data scientist's job entails a mix of computer science, statistics, and math. They interpret the outcomes of data analysis, processing, and modelling to generate actionable plans for businesses and other organizations.

Data scientists are analytic professionals that use their knowledge of technology and social science to identify patterns and handle data. They identify solutions to corporate difficulties by combining industry knowledge, contextual insight, and skepticism of established assumptions.

A data scientist's job entails deciphering jumbled, unstructured data from sources like smart devices, social media feeds, and emails that don't fit neatly into a database.


What are the benefits of data science?

Increases the predictability of the business- When a corporation invests in data structuring, it can use what is known as predictive analysis. It is possible to employ technologies such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to work with the data that the organization has and, as a result, conduct more exact analyses of what is to come with the help of the data scientist.

Ensures that real-time intelligence is available- The data scientist can collaborate with RPA experts to identify their company's various data sources and construct automated dashboards that search all of this data in real time and in an integrated manner.

Favors the field of marketing and sales- Data-driven Nowadays, the term "marketing" refers to a wide range of activities. The rationale is simple: we can only provide solutions, communications, and products that are truly in line with client expectations if we have data.

Aids in the interpretation of difficult facts- When we need to combine multiple types of data to better understand the business and the market, Data Science is a terrific answer. We can mix data from "physical" and "virtual" sources for better visualization depending on the methods we use to collect data.

Makes the decision-making process easier- Of course, based on what we've seen so far, you may guess that one of Data Science's advantages is the ability to improve decision-making. This is because we can design solutions that allow company managers to examine data in real-time, helping them to be more agile. This is accomplished through dashboards as well as projections made available by the data scientist's treatment of data.


Why should we learn data science?

Data science has a great career trajectory - yes, you will have a successful career path in this subject. Data scientists add tremendous value to firms and are currently and in the future the most sought-after roles.

You can choose to work as a data engineer, an analyst, an ML engineer, or even a data science manager, and you have a lot of possibilities to select from.

The salary takeaway quotient with the highest value – As a data scientist, you can expect to earn a competitive compensation. Due to the crucial tasks and responsibilities, data scientists are typically compensated well, sometimes far above market standards.

The salary takeaway quotient with the highest value – As a data scientist, you can expect to earn a competitive compensation. Due to the crucial tasks and responsibilities, data scientists are typically compensated well, sometimes far above market standards.

Because it is a highly analytical role, it is less competitive; nevertheless, demand is not. Businesses find it difficult to fill these positions due to a scarcity of qualified candidates. When you join, you become a decision-maker and are less likely to encounter competition from your organization's peers due to your unique skill set.


Our Hardworking Team

200+ years of industry experience bringing in core strengths and industry network

Rajesg kumar

DevOps Princial Architect & Co-founder, Cotocus.

Capt. Augustine Joseph

CEO, Jetexe

Shubhanshu Srivastava

Co-Founder at GoScale Technologies

John Mandel

SVP & Executive Board Member, Happiest Minds Technologies.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Students will gain programming skills that are applicable to their future careers. Students will demonstrate their ability to analyze data statistically. Students will learn how to create and evaluate data-driven models. Students will use professional statistical tools to conduct statistical studies.

  • The data science team is in charge of completing difficult projects that require system analysis, software engineering, data engineering, and data science to complete.

  • Data Science is a field of study that entails using a variety of scientific methods, algorithms, and processes to extract insights from large amounts of data. Discovery, Data Preparation, Model Planning, Model Building, Operationalize, and Communicate Results are all steps in the Data Science Process.

    • Study data science or a closely related field at the undergraduate level.
    • To become a data scientist, you'll need to learn the necessary abilities.
    • Think about specializing.
    • Get your first job as a data scientist.
    • Examine more data scientist credentials and post-graduate education.
    • A master's degree in data science is a great way to advance your career.
    • Programming
    • Machine Learning techniques
    • Data Visualization and Reporting
    • Software Engineering Skills
    • Data Mining, Cleaning and Munging
    • Research
    • Risk Analysis
    • Statistical analysis and Math
    • Effective Communication
    • Big Data Platforms
    • Cloud Tools
    • Data warehousing and structures

Kshitiij Gupta

Ceo & Founder

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Abhinav Gupta, Pune


The training was very useful and interactive. Rajesh helped develop the confidence of all.

Indrayani, India

Store Owner

Rajesh is very good trainer. Rajesh was able to resolve our queries and question effectively. We really liked the hands-on examples covered during this training program.

Ravi Daur , Noida


Good training session about basic Devops concepts. Working session were also good, howeverproper query resolution was sometimes missed, maybe due to time constraint.

Sumit Kulkarni

Software Engineer

Very well organized training, helped a lot to understand the DevOps concept and detailed related to various tools.Very helpful.


Software Engineer

Thanks Rajesh, Training was good, Appreciate the knowledge you poses and displayed in the training.