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Data Analytics Certified
Professional (DACP)



Data Analytics Certified Professional (DACP)

The science of studying raw data in order to draw conclusions about it is known as data analytics.

Data analytics techniques and processes have been turned into mechanical processes and algorithms that operate on raw data for human consumption.

A company's performance can be improved by using data analytics.


To extract information from data, the process of data analysis employs analytical and logical reasoning. Data analysis' major goal is to identify meaning in data so that the knowledge gained may be used to make better decisions.


  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Critical Thinking
  • R or Python-Statistical Programming
  • Data Visualization
  • Presentation Skills
  • Machine Learning

What Is

What Is Data Analytics?

The phrase "data analytics" refers to the act of analyzing datasets in order to derive conclusions about the information contained within them. Data analytic techniques allow you to take raw data and derive important insights from it by uncovering patterns.

Many data analytics techniques nowadays rely on specialized systems and software that combine machine learning algorithms, automation, and other features.

In their research, data scientists and analysts apply data analytics methodologies, and businesses use it to guide their judgments. Data analysis may assist businesses in better understanding their clients, evaluating their advertising efforts, personalizing content, developing content strategies, and developing new goods. Finally, firms may employ data analytics to improve their bottom line and boost their performance.

For businesses, the data they employ could be historical data or new information gathered for a specific project. They can also get it directly from their customers and site visitors, or they can buy information from other businesses. Data acquired by a corporation about its own consumers is referred to as first-party data; data obtained from a known entity that collected it is referred to as second-party data; and aggregated data purchased from a marketplace is referred to as third-party data. Data regarding an audience's demographics, interests, and actions, among other things, may be used by a firm.


What are the benefits of Data Analytics?

Proactivity and anticipating demands- Businesses are under increasing pressure to not just recruit customers, but also to understand their wants in order to improve customer experience and build long-term connections. Customers expect companies to know them, develop meaningful interactions, and give a seamless experience across all contact points after providing their data and permitting relaxed privacy in its use.

Risk and Fraud Mitigation- The goal of security and fraud analytics is to protect all physical, financial, and intellectual assets from internal and external threats. Deterrence involves procedures that allow firms to swiftly recognize potentially fraudulent behavior and predict future activity, as well as identify and trace culprits.

Delivering Relevant Products- Products are the lifeblood of any organization, and they are sometimes the most significant investments that organizations undertake. The product management team's job is to spot patterns that drive the strategic roadmap for new features, services, and innovations.

Personalization and service- Businesses are still grappling with structured data, and they must be particularly sensitive to deal with the volatility caused by today's customers who interact with digital technology. Advanced analytics are the only way to respond in real time and make the customer feel personally valued. Big data allows for interactions to be tailored to the customer's personality by knowing their opinions and taking into account aspects like real-time location to help give personalization in a multi-channel service environment.

Improving and optimizing the customer experience- Poor operations management can and will result in a slew of costly challenges, including a considerable risk of negatively impacting customer experience and, as a result, brand loyalty. Designing, regulating, and optimizing company operations in the creation of goods or services with analytics promotes efficiency and effectiveness in meeting customer expectations and achieving operational excellence.


Why should you learn Data Analytics?

Improve your problem-solving abilities- Analytics is, at its core, a problem-solving tool. The issues are just on a far greater magnitude than many of us are used to, affecting entire organisations, as well as the employees and customers they serve. The ability to think critically and approach problems in the appropriate manner is a skill that is always valuable, not only in the professional sphere but also in everyday life.

Demand is high- This is the most evident benefit of understanding data analytics, and it is the one that students in higher education are most interested in. Simply put, data analysts are important, and with a growing skills shortage on the horizon as more firms and sectors begin to work with big data, their worth will only grow. In practice, this means that graduates with analytics abilities will be able to charge greater pay and get first dibs on open positions.

Analytics may be found all over the place- Aside from the financial rewards that a strong demand for data analytics can bring graduates, the big data boom has also resulted in a slew of new opportunities for skilled workers. Working in a number of fields, such as aviation or government, or simply having the opportunity to travel the world, are examples of this. It's an exciting time to start a career in analytics, with so many companies striving to use data to enhance their processes.

It's only going to get more essential- As we've already mentioned, the field of analytics is experiencing a period of rapid growth. The opportunity to get insight from data has never been greater than it is today, thanks to the availability of data at our fingertips. This will have a number of consequences, the most important of which is that the value of data analysts will rise, resulting in more job opportunities and opportunities for advancement. This makes now the ideal moment to begin your journey into the realm of big data analytics, with many education experts arguing that the topic is so important that it should be taught at both secondary and higher education institutions.

A variety of linked abilities- Being an analytics specialist is fantastic because it entails so much more than just knowing how to deal with data and solve problems. Yes, they are critical components, but data analysts must also be able to communicate complex information to those who aren't experts. These communication skills are important in any field, and because analytics experts are generally at the centre of an organization's decision-making processes, they often develop strong leadership abilities as well.


How Our Data Analytics Certified Professional (DACP) course/Training would help?

Certified (CKS) curriculum ensures that CKAs have the skills, knowledge, and competency to undertake the tasks of Kubernetes administrators. DevOpsSchool offers Data Analytics Certified Professional (DACP) courses in Bangalore via online and classroom training. Kubernetes certification training in Bangalore also improves your abilities and helps you advance in your job. In terms of IT skills, the top Data Analytics Certified Professional (DACP) courses in Bangalore are more rigorous. In Bangalore, we offer the most kubernetes certification training courses. Our DevOps Trainer will teach you everything you need to know about Kubernetes from the ground up with advance Kubernetes certified quality training.


Meet Our Mentors &Regents

200+ years of industry experience bringing in core strengths and industry network.

Rajesh Kumar

DevOps Princial Architect & Co-founder, Cotocus

Augustine Joseph

CEO, Jetexe


Co-Founder at GoScale Technologies

Sandeep Aggarwal

SVP & Executive Board Member, Happiest Minds Technologies


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Even if you don't intend to work as a data analyst, a certification will surely be useful in your current position. As more businesses acknowledge the importance of data analytics, people who can apply it to their professions are a valuable asset to any team.

    • Average incomes are extremely high.
    • A fast-growing industry with a high demand for competent people.
    • There is a lot of room for progress in your career.
    • Day-to-day employment that is both satisfying and challenging and is centred on problem-solving.
    • A decent balance of technical and interpersonal communication tasks is common.
    • Technical abilities, such as programming, are easily transferable to a variety of other occupations.
    • Work-from-home options are (often) available.
    • Employers in the industry are more interested in abilities than specific degrees or certifications, thus there are few obligatory credentials.
    • A wide range of job opportunities exist in the field.
    • Business Intelligence Analyst
    • Data Analyst
    • Data Scientist
    • Data Engineer
    • Quantitative Analyst
    • Data Analytics Consultant
    • Operations Analyst
    • Marketing Analyst
    • Project Manager
    • IT Systems Analyst
    • Transportation Logistics Specialist
  • Yes, data analytics is a lucrative profession. Simply put, there has never been a more exciting time to work with data. Every day, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created, and the rate is only increasing. As businesses' data collecting develops in extent and sophistication, it's natural that they'll want to make use of it, and Data Analysts are at the forefront of this movement.

    High demand for Data Analysts is matched by a rise in pay—even in junior jobs, many Data Analysts' incomes are comfortably above $70,000, with senior and highly specialised roles usually exceeding $100,000.

    Aside from the high demand and corresponding income, Data Analysts have the ability to collaborate and contribute to the highest levels of decision-making, which can lead to opportunities for advancement into more managerial positions. Many Data Analysts also appreciate the freedom to travel, work remotely, and relocate, even globally. The nature of the work itself may or may not be a good fit for the individual, but the pay, benefits, and job stability are all significant.

  • Data analysis is a difficult task. Although there are numerous reasons, the vast volume of work, tight deadlines, and job demands from multiple sources and management levels are at the top of the list.

Kshitiij Gupta

Ceo & Founder

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Abhinav Gupta, Pune


The training was very useful and interactive. Rajesh helped develop the confidence of all.

Indrayani, India

Store Owner

Rajesh is very good trainer. Rajesh was able to resolve our queries and question effectively. We really liked the hands-on examples covered during this training program.

Ravi Daur , Noida


Good training session about basic Devops concepts. Working session were also good, howeverproper query resolution was sometimes missed, maybe due to time constraint.

Sumit Kulkarni

Software Engineer

Very well organized training, helped a lot to understand the DevOps concept and detailed related to various tools.Very helpful.


Software Engineer

Thanks Rajesh, Training was good, Appreciate the knowledge you poses and displayed in the training.